Christina M. Sorrentino

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Christina M. Sorrentino resides in Staten Island, New York, and is a freelance writer, theology teacher, and author of the books Belonging to Christ and Called to Love - A Listening Heart. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Ignitum Today and has contributed to various publications including Word on Fire, Radiant Magazine, and Homiletic & Pastoral Review. She has also appeared on Sacred Heart Radio, and has been featured in the National Catholic Register's "Best in Catholic Blogging". Christina blogs at Called to Love - A Listening Heart and can be followed on Twitter @cmsorrps4610.

Finding Hope in St. Augustine’s Journey

New Theology of the Body Program for Middle Schoolers: An Interview with Jason Evert

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Embraced by Grace: The Precious Blood of Christ

Thank Your Priest This Father’s Day

What a Priest Is and Is Not

In the Midst of May: The Crowning of Our Lady

An Avenue of Peace on the Vocational Journey

The Ouija Board: It’s Not Just a Game

Rejoice, It’s Still Easter!