Saturday, June 5th is the third anniversary of American Life League’s groundbreaking effort to expose the fact that the birth control pill is nothing but bad news.
• The pill kills preborn babies.
• The pill kills women.
• The pill kills the environment.
Each of these statements is based on irrefutable evidence. Even so, most of the media seems content with continuing the lie started more than 45 years ago by those committed to destroying marriage and discarding children prior to birth. The result of this furtive campaign toward total moral devastation has resulted in the sexually saturated society of 2010. And, according to plan, most Americans have no clue that there’s anything wrong with the current state of affairs. Pardon my pun.
That’s how the architects of death designed it.
A good example of why even our friends are ignoring the obvious was outlined by Professor Charles Rice in his analysis of what is lacking in the Manhattan Declaration. MD was issued this past year by a large group of very publicly recognizable intellectuals and religious leaders. But, as Rice points out:
The failure of MD, in its catalogue of legalized promotions of the “culture of death,” even to mention the entry by government into the business of subsidizing by contraception the rejection of new life, is inexcusable. Once that role of government was conceded, the other evils denounced by MD were predictable. Perhaps the purpose of MD was to put together a coalition of signers that would include proponents of public funding of contraception. If so, MD politicized and trivialized itself.
Professor Rice exposes one of the most fundamental problems we pro-life Americans face in society today. The challenge is developing a knack for holding the attention of our fellow citizens long enough to make the point that contraception, regardless of the method, is piercing the heart of family life and destroying the souls of our children. Such a statement is unpopular but it remains the single most important message we can share. Even those who are committed to protecting the innocent at the same time refrain from making note of the devastating sociological consequences of contraception.
Here’s one very recent example. A new report compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using interviews with 2,767 teens, ages 15 to 19, between 2006 and 2008, reveals that almost 30 percent of those surveyed have already had at least two sexual partners in their brief lifetime. And—as if that were not evidence enough to suggest a deep-seated problem that has permeated the home, the classroom, the internet and elsewhere—the study says that 42 percent of never-married teen females and 43 percent of never-married teen males are sexually experienced.
Such statistics are appalling, not to mention devastating to those who have played Russian roulette with their bodies. Be that as it may, this latest report seems to become fodder only for those who want more sex instruction in the classroom, improved access to birth control and better availability of abortion. Few in the pro-life movement will ponder these same numbers and begin teaching the facts about the contraceptive connection to disease, death and destruction.
Sacred cows abound in a society blessed with money, fast cars and loose morals, and among them, the most revered is contraception. But as this grandmother knows all too well, there will not be a victory over the direct killing of the preborn child unless and until there is unanimous agreement among the pro-life leadership of our nation that first we have to focus on contraception, discuss it openly and often, and do so armed with as many facts as we can present.
Easy to do? Hardly! Nonetheless, it is an absolute necessity unless we want to be struggling against the surgical abortion beast for another 36 years. Personally, I do not!
If you want to root out the monster, here’s my prescription for truth:
PROTEST the pill Saturday by witnessing to truth outside a local pharmacy or Planned Parenthood office.