Demons are strong. They hate you. They never rest. And they pack a powerful punch that could destroy our souls.
We must defend ourselves.
But how does one take on a spiritual warrior?
They become one themselves.
Here are a few ways to start training for your next bout with Beelzebub.
Avoid the Fight
This is the easiest and most effective way to fight evil: don’t start the fight. Pope Francis recently told us not to dialogue with the devil; he’s much smarter than you and I. We’ll lose. So don’t start.
Disarm the Demon
The demon will come with a certain weapon. It will draw its power from one of the seven deadly sins:
- Pride
- Avarice (Greed)
- Envy
- Wrath
- Lust
- Gluttony
- Sloth
If you can identify the weapon the demon uses, you can dodge it with its opposing virtue:
- Humility sucker punches the sin of pride.
- Generosity roundhouse kicks the sin of greed.
- Kindness karate chops the sin of envy.
- Meekness throat punches the sin of wrath.
- Chastity elbow drops the sin of lust.
- Temperance suplexes the sin of gluttony.
- Diligence wuxi finger holds the sin of sloth.
You have weapons, too. Use them.
Tag Team
Your guardian angel has two goals in your life: to get you to heaven and to destroy every demon in your way. He can’t help you unless you ask him, though. It’s true. According to Dr. Peter Kreeft, “[Angels] can’t force themselves into our minds any more than they can force our wills…But you can will to reveal your thoughts and your secrets to your guardian angel by talking to him, as you would talk (pray) to a human saint in heaven or a friend on earth” (Kreeft, 1995, p. 95). So many of us ignore our guardian angels and only benefit from their “dire moment” heroics of rescuing us when we are in immediate peril. Tag team with your angels to fight your demons. The little devils won’t stand a chance.
Pull From Reserves
When Jesus gave the apostles the power to heal (Mt 10), they went out like LeBron James in a youth basketball league. They dominated. That is, until a little demon kept flinging one man into fire and water. He was considered a lunatic, and the apostles couldn’t rid the man of the violent devil. They cast and cast, but the demon wouldn’t come out. Jesus told them that this particular demon required much “prayer and fasting” (Mt 17:21). To fight demons, you have to have reserves. A boxer doesn’t go into the ring unless he’s got the stamina to go 12 rounds. Build up your spiritual reserves with fasting, penance, and above all prayer because you’ll need God in your corner telling you how to throw that next punch.
Fighting Others’ Demons
Your demons never stop coming. The deviants don’t stop attacking your friends, either. And your enemies? They weave you together in those attacks—two-for-one. They love your discord, your lack of trust in one another, your division. The farther apart you are from both friend and foe, the more their powers multiply.
You can fight other people’s demons, too. Pray with their guardian angels. Then, wait. Let the connection of angels that surround you build the bridge you need to help them overcome their sufferings and weaknesses. When we do this, family feuds disappear. Community unrest dissipates. Wars end.
Call Upon Our Lady
When Padre Pio was approaching death, the demons crowded around him like a swarm of bees. He told his friars, “Bring me my weapon!” They gave him a rosary. He sent spiritual bullets into the shadowy soldiers that sought his soul.
The devil hates Mary. She, a mere mortal, has become more powerful than he because of her perfect obedience. He hides from her. He knows she is the one that was prophesied to “crush the serpent” (Gn 3:15).
Imagine what the lower-ranking demons do in her presence? They fade into non-existence—they are destroyed.
All who have called upon her have been aided. Pray the rosary often to keep temptations away just like you take vitamins to defeat sicknesses before they occur. And when the battles get tough, call on her for immediate assistance like you would an ambulance and the ER.
Analyze Past Warriors’ Methodologies
You’re not alone in the fight. We’ve already established that limitless angels are ready to fight with you. So are the souls who have already left this life and earned their halos. Infinite prayers from the saints inundate our atmosphere. Like atoms, we can’t see them, but they make up every spiritual reality we know. Their writings teach us. Their images motivate us. Their presence comforts us.
Their celestial light shines through the dark forces that surround us.
Call upon the saints in heaven (and earth) to help you fight.
Strategize for the Bosses
Ever play a video game where you have to defeat the big boss at the end? You go through each level fighting all of its minions, all of which weaken you and sharpen your skills at the same time. Then, in order to win, you have to take on the massive armor-clad, special weapon-wielding villain you set out to destroy when you pushed the “start” button.
This isn’t a video game. It’s spiritual warfare. And you must fight every day. Eventually, you’ll fight the “big boss” of your vices. It will be the hardest battle of your life.
You can win. You’re destined to win. With all of the power at your command, so long as you strategize to use that power correctly, you’ll be victorious.
How do you strategize? See all previous points in this article. It’s all a cheat code.
No battle has ever been won by defense alone. Offense is necessary. You must punch the demons.
The Church provides the jab, the uppercut, the hook, and the cross.
They are the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Do these, and you’ll rough up the demons. You might even knock a few out.
We Start at the Beginning
The fight is upon you.
Get your gloves.
Pop in that mouthguard.
Ding ding.
Photo by Attentie Attentie on Unsplash
Kreeft, P. (1995). Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them? Ignatius Press.