Supernatural Reasons to Consider Theology [Avila Course]


Theology doesn’t just have to be for a certain set of people. If you’re involved in working for an apostolate or interested in spiritual direction, the “Introduction to Spiritual Theology” course being offered this spring from the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation may be something of interest to you.

Introduction to Spiritual Theology is the entryway course to our Graduate program. Students are advised to take this course as their first course with the Avila Institute.

This class might be for you if:

  • You have an interest in any of these topics.
  • You’ve always wanted to know and understand Catholicism in more depth.
  • You’re interested in becoming a spiritual director.
  • You work in or for an apostolate and feel like you’re lacking in knowledge of your faith.

Dr. Ben Nguyen, who will be teaching the course this spring, says,

NguyenBenJuly2014copy2I am so excited to be teaching this course, which is nothing less than diving into some of the deepest riches of the Catholic tradition.  God’s initiative of love revealed fully in our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to holiness lived in and as His Body, the Church.

This beckons us to embark on a journey of discovery where our faith seeks understanding, as we walk with the Word of God, the Blessed Virgin, and the spiritual masters – the saints – as our companions and guides.  I greatly look forward to meeting the participants of the course and to examining together the beautiful truths of Spiritual Theology.

“Introduction to Spiritual Theology” includes lecture topics of:

  • The universal call to holiness;
  • The indwelling of the Trinity;
  • The nature and stages of Christian perfection;
  • The supernatural organism and the Christian life;
  • Identification with Jesus and Mary;
  • Kinds and stages of prayer;
  • The means to spiritual maturity appropriate for the various stages of life;
  • Discernment of spirits; and
  • Ordinary and extraordinary mystical phenomena.

The registration deadline for Spring Quarter courses is coming up soon: February 10! For more information on any of our programs, please contact me at or visit

Other classes being offered in Spring 2015:

  • The Bible and the Revelation of Prayer (Graduate Program)
  • Christian and Non Christian Spiritualities (Graduate Program)
  • Spiritual Warfare in Modern Times – CS Lewis and the Screwtape Letters (School of Spiritual Formation)
  • Introduction to St. Teresa of Avila (School of Spiritual Formation)
  • Living the Virtuous Life (School of Spiritual Formation)
  • Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church (School of Spiritual Formation)
  • Evangelization and the Spiritual Life (School of Spiritual Formation)
  • Angels and Demons (School of Spiritual Formation)

With live, interactive, online courses, the Avila Institute can bring the classroom to you no matter where you are located in the world. Want to know more about what the Avila Institute has to offer you? Read more here.

Image: From Dr. Ben Nguyen. All rights reserved.

About Nicole Garcia

Nicole Garcia is an Admissions Counselor for the Avila Institute. “I am excited to speak with anyone who is interested in learning more about the Avila Institute so that we can unveil God’s Will for the path through which He draws you near to Himself. We know that despite any trials or difficulties that may be on that path, if it is God’s Will, it is a blessed path and one that you must take to become fully alive in Christ Jesus. May Our Blessed Mother shower us with every grace and blessing as we open our hearts and minds to Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. All those discerning the Avila Institute are in my prayers and know that if you feel even a tiny pull or interest, I hope to hear from you!”

To learn more about the School of Spiritual Formation or the Graduate Program at the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation, please contact Nicole at or 520-429-4524.

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