Today's Saint

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Cyril of Alexandria, a towering figure in the early Church, was born in Alexandria, Egypt, around 376 AD. From a young age, he demonstrated exceptional intellectual gifts and a profound devotion to Christ. Ordained as a priest in 412 AD and later elevated to the position of Archbishop of Alexandria, Cyril became one of the most influential theologians and defenders of orthodoxy in his time.

Cyril’s tenure as Archbishop was marked by theological controversies and ecclesiastical challenges, particularly the Nestorian controversy. Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, espoused teachings that undermined the unity of Christ’s divine and human natures. In response, Cyril staunchly defended the Church’s traditional understanding of Christ’s nature as fully divine and fully human.

At the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, Cyril played a central role in condemning Nestorianism and affirming the orthodox belief in the hypostatic union—the inseparable union of Christ’s divine and human natures in one person. His eloquent writings and theological insights helped shape the Church’s understanding of Christology for centuries to come.

Despite facing opposition and persecution, Cyril remained steadfast in his defense of the faith, earning him the title “Doctor of the Incarnation.” He tirelessly worked to uphold the unity and integrity of the Church, advocating for the truth with courage and conviction.


  • Lesson 1: Defending Orthodoxy: Saint Cyril of Alexandria’s life teaches us the importance of defending orthodox doctrine and upholding the truth of the faith. His unwavering commitment to the Church’s teachings in the face of controversy and opposition serves as a model for all Christians to defend and preserve the integrity of Christian doctrine.
  • Lesson 2: Unity in Diversity: Cyril’s efforts to maintain the unity of the Church amidst theological disputes remind us of the importance of fostering unity in diversity within the Body of Christ. Despite differences in theological interpretation, Cyril sought to preserve the essential unity of the faith, emphasizing the common confession of Christ as Lord and Savior.


O Saint Cyril of Alexandria, defender of the faith and champion of orthodoxy, pray for us, that we may imitate your zeal for the truth and your commitment to upholding the integrity of Christian doctrine. Help us to defend the faith with courage and conviction, and to work towards unity in diversity within the Church. Through your intercession, may the Church remain steadfast in the truth and continue to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. Amen.

Other Saints We Remember Today

Our Lady of Perpetual Help (13th Century)

St. Ladislaus (1095), King of Hungary

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