His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will personally confirm 24 young people at the World Youth Day Final Mass on Sunday 20 July.
The 24 candidates for confirmation – 14 Australians and 10 internationals – will receive the sacrament that marks the completion of baptismal grace.
During the confirmation rite, Pope Benedict will invoke the gifts of the Holy Spirit and anoint each candidate with holy oil. They will later also each receive holy communion from him.
“It’s not everyday that one is confirmed by the global leader of the Catholic Church before hundreds of thousands of people,” said WYD08 Coordinator, Bishop Anthony Fisher OP.
“The sacrament is life changing and to receive the sacrament in this way will prove an unforgettable experience, one that they will each carry with them for the rest of their lives,” he said.
“The candidates have been selected as representatives of their regions by bishops across Australia and we are absolutely delighted to be able to present them to the Pope for this momentous occasion.”
The Australian candidates are aged from 16-43 and are from every state and territory:
The 10 international confirmation candidates are in the final process of selection.
Sydney will host the 23rd World Youth Day from 15-20 July this year. Up to 500,000 people are expected to attend the Final Mass in Randwick Racecourse and neighbouring Centennial Park.