For One of God’s Great Living Saints, Mother Angelica

My Knights of Columbus monthly, Columbia, came today. It has an article written by Raymond Arroyo about Mother Angelica. Mr. Arroyo is EWTN’s news director; plus a close friend of Mother Angelica, too, what with writing her biography, a NYTimes best seller, Mother Angelica: the Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve and a Network of Miracles. About twenty-five years ago, she started with $200 and lots of prayers and faith, and now can celebrate having the largest religious media outlet in the world. Of course, the Knights were there to help from the first.

Now, I favor the dear sainted Mother in part because as Rita Rizzo, she hails from a Calabrese Italian-American ethnic background, as do I. More so, I could watch her, cheering her feisty Catholic spirit, feeling that she was cheering me in our orthodox common bond.

The article is about her sufferings virtually across her life. Over the years, she has been plagued by heart problems, a congenitally defective and easily damaged back, asthmatic episodes, diabetes, broken bones, etc., all while running a cloistered convent and a growing media outlet in TV, radio, shortwave, publishing, etc. The lady is an incredible set of ‘et ceteras’. Having a massive stroke on Christmas Eve, 2001, she no longer can energetically lead as she once did. To her: “I’ve been sick all my life. I don’t remember a day I wasn’t sick with something. And, I think that our dear Lord’s hand was on me.”

Now, Mother Angelica and Mr. Arroyo have put together another book: Mother Angelica’s Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality, From this new book, Columbia offers a few gems:

The Time Is Now There are a lot of things that you can do, but you’ve got to do what God has asked you to do, and stick to it! You have all eternity to experience the presence of God, but you have a very short time to do something for Him.
Fear of Failure Even after healing and performing miracles, Jesus couldn’t get 12 friends to stick by Him. He wasn’t afraid of failure. He took failure to the very end, so that you may rise above it. You can’t disappoint Him. Just do what He asks of you right now. If you have God with you, you do not need assurance. You need zeal.
Everyday Holiness God knows your every need and desire. He listens to your every sigh and sees every tear. He surrounds you completely. Even though you do not see the end of the road, you need not fear.
Against the Wall Sometimes we have to get very low before God will bring us up again.

Do pray for this living legend of a saint. Her order and her work need and deserve our prayers.


Sixty-two years old in a young way - I'm a Grandpa! - long a widower and for too short a time a child of God who attends to Christ and His Church. CE has given me information, but, more importantly, helped me find ways to voice my thoughts. My primary listeners are Christ, Who accepts so much as prayer, and myself, who is still but a catechumen in so many ways. And, you know how you need prayer? Well, I need prayer many times more than you. And, when you do pray for me, the Lord listens and responds. Enough about me - let's talk about Jesus.

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