Homily of the Day

Feast of Saint Andrew

Today’s Gospel tells us that Jesus calls ordinary men to do extraordinary deeds. Fishermen, for instance, are called to be fishers of men. We are ordinary people. But we, too, can do extraordinary deeds. We, too, can become fishers of men. We, too, can become Christ’s disciples. We can do so by following Jesus’ footsteps. However, to be a follower of Christ entails “leaving our nets”—liberating ourselves from material attachments, comfort zones, anything that hinders us from following Jesus completely and unconditionally. We are sometimes afraid to let go of these attachments. It is then that we must trust in God’s word: that he will not be outdone in generosity. If we let go of anything for his sake, he will reward us a hundredfold.

“How can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out?” Again, we are asked to spread God’s word, to become messengers. The work of proclaiming the gospel is not limited to the priests or nuns. If we are to build God’s kingdom on earth, each person can and must do his part. Let us do our part. Let us become fishers of men.

Let us ask ourselves today: how has knowing Jesus spiritually prepared us? Where are we now spiritually? Are we still preparing the nets? Or are we ready, when asked by the Lord, to do whatever we can to be “fishers of men”?