One of my favorite posts this week was Grandpa's Penny: If You Never Spend It, You'll Never Be Broke by Sara Baughman. Perhaps I'm just looking for a little justification for my recent miserly ways, but Sara's comments on the value of avoiding small expenditures really struck a cord with me. Another experience that has me thinking about this is the recent major cleaning of my boys' "playroom". We did an overhaul, as we always do prior to the holidays, and donated multiple items to charity. Among the donations were numerous "stocking stuffers" that I had purchased last year – small discount items to round out the boys' Christmas morning surprises from Santa.
75% of the "stocking stuffers" sat on the playroom counter unopened.
I avoided the temptation to "re-gift" them this year, but did make a silent resolution to avoid purchasing "stuff" just to make sure their stockings are full. At their age, their need for physical items is decreasing. I don't need to buy things they won't use just so they have something to open that morning.
Sara's article is a wonderful reminder for those of us who will be out in force during the next few weeks shopping for loved ones. It's likely that most of us fall prey to cute but unnecessary items that add to both our budget and the clutter that fills our homes. Keep your eyes off the widgets that are placed next to the checkout lines, avoid the temptation to upgrade to a "Venti" at Starbucks, and remember that no one actually needs a "star registered after their own name" this year. Saving, even if in small ways, adds up both financially and emotionally.
So follow Sara's Grandpa's advice and remember, “If you never spend it, you’ll never be broke!”