Fr. Ralph Gorman


Ralph Gorman was born in Binghamton, New York, in 1897. He attended the Catholic University of America and was ordained a priest of the Passionist Order in 1924. He studied further at the École Biblique et Archéologique in Jerusalem and taught Scripture at St. Michael’s Monastery in Union City, New Jersey. He served as editor of the Signfor twenty-four years and wrote two books: The Last Hours of Jesus and The Trial of Christ.

What Christ Saw From Gethsemane

The First, Forgiving Word of Jesus on the Cross

The First, Forgiving Word of Jesus on the Cross

Betrayal at the Last Supper

Betrayal at the Last Supper

When St. Peter Denied Christ

When St. Peter Denied Christ

Jesus and His Captors

Jesus and His Captors