Prudence Robertson

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Prudence Robertson serves as Host of Pro-life Weekly. She comes to EWTN News from the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, where she served as a spokeswoman for the group and has been featured in nationally syndicated media outlets such as AXIOS, The Daily Caller, Washington Times, The Federalist, and many others. She is a proud graduate from Franciscan University of Steubenville where she studied History and Human Life Studies. She has a great love for her Catholic faith; Saints Faustina and Clare of Assisi are two of her particularly special patronesses. Prudence resides in Alexandria, Virginia.

Reflections on the First Post-Roe March for Life

The Ultimate Warrior Against Abortion: Our Mother

Kansas “Value Them Both” Amendment Comes to Vote

Why Abortion Attacks the Church and the Eucharist

The Legal Sham of Roe v. Wade: What’s Next?

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis We’re All Overlooking