Paul Chaloux

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Dr. Paul Chaloux is a Catholic theologian and author. After working 33 years in the semiconductor industry, he retired to get his PhD in moral theology at Catholic University. He taught theology at Catholic University for 9 years, retiring again in Fall 2024. He has published 3 books, Why All People Suffer (2021), Dying Without Fear (2023), and Heaven’s Currency (2024), as well as over 20 articles, mostly for Catholic Exchange.

Discerning Truth: The Beauty of Catholicism

God’s Love: Perfect Justice Combined with Perfect Mercy

Loving Those Who Disagree with Us

The Three Mysteries of Life

My Treatise on Dying without Fear

Keeping Medical Advances In Perspective

God is Active in Every Life

Facing The Final Step

How I Can Live a Joyful Life, Even While Facing a Terminal Disease

How I Can Live a Joyful Life, Even While Facing a Terminal Disease

Why It Hurts to Grow Old

Why It Hurts to Grow Old