Lisa M. Hendey

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Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of and the bestselling author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. A podcaster and blogger, Hendey is also a technology contributor for EWTN’s SonRise Morning Show and a regular guest several other radio programs. Lisa gives frequent workshops on faith, family, and Catholic new media topics and resides in Fresno, California, with her family.

Pope Francis Mania – Relive the Joy of the Moment in St. Peter’s Square

Catholic Twitter Trends & #TweetingBishops

Eliminating Political Vitriol Online

Marian Tech Resources to Help You Know, Love and Share Mary

What Parents Should Learn from the Prince Harry Situation

Venerable Fulton and Our Families

Social Media and the March For Life

Tech Tools to Help Your Body and Soul Goals

Digital Resolutions for the New Year

A Quick Guide to Online (Catholic) Shopping