Harold G. Koenig, MD

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Harold G. Koenig, MD, MHSc., completed his undergraduate education at Stanford University, his medical school training at the University of California at San Francisco, and his geriatric medicine, psychiatry, and biostatistics training at Duke University Medical Center. He is board certified in general psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry and geriatric medicine, and is on the faculty at Duke as Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Associate Professor of Medicine, and is on the faculty at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as a Distinguished Adjunct Professor. He is also a registered nurse. Dr. Koenig is Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center, and is considered by biomedical scientists as one of the world's top experts on religion and health.

Religion and Anxiety

Suicide and Religion

Does Forgiveness Make You Healthier?

Religious Therapy for Depression

Does Religion Cause Depression?

In A Far and Distant Land–CE Exclusive from Saudi Arabia

Is Your Shrink Anti-Religion? Here’s Why

Medicine and Religion: Twin Healing Traditions

Do Religion and Compassion Go Hand-in-Hand?

Big Fat Believers and the Expanding Bottom Line