Fr. Robert Spitzer

By Fr. Robert Spitzer
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. is President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith and also the Napa Institute. He was President of Gonzaga University from 1998 to 2009, where he increased the student body by 75%, oversaw the construction of 20 new facilities, and raised $200+ million for scholarships and buildings. He is the author of eighteen books, including the award-winning New Proofs for the Existence of God, and most recently, Science at the Doorstep to God and Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible. He has also authored many scholarly articles on faith and science, metaphysics, and happiness and ethics. Father Spitzer has his own weekly EWTN television show called Father Spitzer’s Universe. He has appeared on the Larry King Show (in discussion with Stephen Hawking and Deepak Chopra), the History Channel, the Today Show, and a PBS series. He started seven institutes dedicated to faith and reason and happiness/purpose in life. He was a professor at Georgetown University, Seattle University, and Gonzaga University and was awarded the teaching medal at both Georgetown University and Seattle University. He has held two major academic chairs—the Frank Shrontz Endowed Chair in Professional Ethics (Seattle University) and the John L. Aram Chair of Business Ethics (Gonzaga University) and has won multiple academic and professional awards, including honorary doctorates, the De Smet Medal (Gonzaga University’s highest award) and the Aquinas Medal (for Catholic philosophical scholarship).