Fr. Edward Looney

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Fr. Edward Looney is a priest in the Diocese of Green Bay, a Marian theologian, author, columnist, media personality, podcaster, film enthusiast, and fellow pilgrim. He is the host of the podcast, Hey Everybody! It’s Fr. Edward. You can follow him on social media at the handle @FrEdwardLooney.

On Papal Infallibility

What Do We Know About St. Anne?

12 Preachable (or Teachable) Points from the Movie Wildcat

Why This Priest Loves St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Way of the Cross Meditation

Accompany Mary Throughout Your Holy Week Pilgrimage

Accompany Mary Throughout Your Holy Week Pilgrimage

10 Lenten Lessons from Fr. Daniel Lord, SJ

10 Lenten Lessons from Fr. Daniel Lord, SJ

How the Virgin Mary Converts Sinners

How the Virgin Mary Converts Sinners

This Lent, Listen to Your Mother

This Lent, Listen to Your Mother

How We Can Pray for Others When We Get Prayer Requests

How We Can Pray for Others When We Get Prayer Requests

Spiritual Insights from New Year’s Resolutions