December is always a busy month for people. The children or grandchildren in your life have their annual Christmas concerts. Your workplace has its annual Christmas party. There is the need to complete Christmas shopping. There is so much to do during the Advent season that often we lose sight of preparing ourselves spiritually for Christmas.
This year, I’d like to ask you to prayerfully consider making this Advent, this December one to remember, because I hope it will be life changing month for you.
Several years ago, I became discontent with the state of my soul, especially my negativity and pessimism. One day as I was in my spiritual director’s office, complaining as usual, he said to me, “Edward, you love Mary so much, where is your Marian heart.” A blow to the gut. From that day forward I asked the Trinity and Mary to reveal to me what comprised a Marian heart. Every day I prayed that Mary would give me her heart, and day by day I came to discover the attributes of her heart from the pages of sacred scripture. Little by little I realized the transformation of my heart; I became more patient, more prayerful, and more generous among other things. Journeying into the heart of Mary, has changed my life, and even to this day, I still pray that I might live with a Marian heart.
To this end, I have written 31 daily meditations on the heart of Mary, A Heart Like Mary’s: 31 Daily Meditations to Help You Live and Love as She Does, published by Ave Maria Press. Beginning on December 1, just a few days before Advent officially starts, would you be willing to begin a journey into Mary’s heart, allowing your heart to become more like hers? The season of Advent is Marian by nature, as we wait with Mary for the birth of the savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. The book will continue post-Christmas through January 1st. What a wonderful way to start the new year, having reflected on the heart of Mary, and striving to live with a heart like hers in our world that is drowning in vice.
You can acquire the book from Ave Maria Press, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or your local Catholic bookstore. If you wish to make this Advent journey, I’d encourage you to visit my website ( and sign up for my newsletter. Each week I will send out a companion video or essay to complement the book’s meditations and your Marian journey. Let A Heart Like Mary’s guide you to live the Advent season, and you will experience a change of heart.
Check out the companion song to the book, written and performed by Catholic singer, Anna Nuzzo. YouTube link: