Three months after being threatened with a knife to her throat by a woman entering an abortion mill, 21-year-old pro-life counselor Leah Winandy has learned that her attacker has decided not to abort her child – and credits Leah and Leah’s mother for saving her from a life of regret.
Leah Winandy reacted by praising God and expressed her excitement and happiness for Mechelle Talluah Hall, who pled guilty yesterday to second-degree assault. Under a plea agreement she was placed on probation.
Hall revealed to the Duluth Tribune News that, thanks to the Winandys, she never did go through with the abortion as she had intended. Hall told reporter Mark Stodghill that she thanked the Winandys for being there. “If they weren’t there, I probably would have gone through with it and regretted it for the rest of my life. It probably would have gone the other way. I’m sincerely sorry for doing that to her.”
Leah Winandy reacted to the news in an interview with (LSN) today. “I was very excited and praising God – this is the work of the Lord,” she said.
Winandy said she forgave Hall for her attack immediately after the incident in late November and bears her no resentment. “I’m so excited for Mechelle that she has her baby,” she said. All Winandy hopes now is that Hall will turn to Christ.
Asked if she would do it over again, Winandy said, “Yes I would because I see that God has used it for good,” she said. “What Satan meant for evil, God used for good. God’s going to glorify His name.”
Even if things had not turned out so well, if Winandy had been hurt or even killed, that would not have dissuaded her from reaching out in love to Hall, she said. “My life is in God’s hands and I’m not afraid of what happens,” she said.
Winandy concluded by encouraging others to become involved in pro-life counseling. “I would really encourage other pro-lifers considering counseling just to obey. God said to rescue those that are drawn away to death. We need to obey His commands. He is a voice for those who have no voice.”
Winandy concluded: “He’s going to take care of us. Whether we make that ultimate sacrifice or whatever He calls us to do it’s not too much for His sake and the babies.”
Related coverage:
Interview with Young Pro-Life Counselor Threatened with Knife to Throat