Homily of the Day

Wednesday after Epiphany

“God is love, and anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him,” St. John says. It is God who through His Spirit produces charity in us. When members of a family love one another, there is peace and harmony. When Christians love one another, there you find the Trinity in their midst. When people love one another because of the Holy Spirit, heaven has come down to earth. This heavenly love is a gift which brings people together in unity and harmony. This love propels the Christian community to spread the Good News that God is love.

In the gospel, Jesus walks on the water. The disciples are rowing their boat in the middle of the lake when they encounter strong winds. It is already between three to six o’clock in the morning, and they are already panicking. Suddenly Jesus appears, walking on the water. He tells them not to be afraid, and he makes the wind drop. This gospel passage is reminding us to trust in Jesus when problems come in our lives. We must trust in God’s help and providence and in His ability to calm the wind and the waves of our lives. Trials will come and go, but the love of the Lord lasts forever. Let us not be afraid but believe that help will come from heaven whenever we are in need.