Acts 1:15-17/Jn 15:9-17
Being chosen by God, what an awesome experience. Yet, it is not just the Apostles that God has selected. Each one of us has been chosen by God in a very unique and powerful way. That way began with our baptism.
Jesus said: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you….” God’s choice of us is irrevocable.
We are talking about the replacement of Judas today by the Apostle Mathias. While the Apostles were eye-witnesses to Jesus, the replacement of Judas was also a call to all of us to — in some ways — fill the same role.
The Apostles are: irreplaceable — have been replaced by the Bishops — and, in a small way, continue anytime we reach out to spread the message of Jesus.
They are irreplaceable in that they are the witnesses, the original witnesses, to the ministry of Jesus.
They have been replaced by the Bishops in leadership for the Church today.
They continue as we spread the message of Jesus and fulfill His command to love one another.
Are we willing to allow what it cost the Apostles to be paid by us? Only one of the Apostles did not die by martyrdom.
Can we dare to allow ourselves to be spent in the service of the gospel? Can we dare to respond to Jesus’ love as He loved us? “This is My commandment: love one another as I love you…”
God has chosen us. He has chosen to love us. What choice is left to us?