The difference between the culture of life and the culture of death was brought into stark relief on Saturday January 25th, in the benighted city of San Francisco. The Walk for life was a pocket of sanity enveloped in an immense scheme of global madness! It was a ray of light in a massive moral void and the “dark did not comprehend it.” The fellowship, the properly ordered love, the moral stand to support life against a tsunami of death was truly a feast for the soul. It was a great turn out, perhaps 60,000 marchers, and a great show of goodness beginning to grow against the looming shadow in a darkening world.
Just like the demoniac in Mark 5, the pro-choice protesters we encountered displayed the three calling cards of the darkly inspired culture of death; violence, nudity and a hypocritical split mind which spews forth double standards. The opposition was weak in numbers, but intense in presence. They were joyless, angry, prideful, illogical, and pitiable.
The most disturbing demonstration we saw were girls with bare midriffs who had written on themselves “I am a fetus slayer and proud of it” and “I had an abortion and I am proud of it” and “I can’t wait for my next abortion.” Contradictorily, as the seas of public licentiousness were lapping up on the shores of our tiny pro-life island of truth, there washed up a message in a bottle of great hope and inspiration. There was a young couple with a baby holding a sign that read “our son survived his abortion appointment.” The palpable joy on their faces spoke a thousand words of love for a son almost lost. As we passed we heard wave after wave of joyful cheers and applause directed towards the intact family who narrowly escaped the clutches of the abortion clinic. This was the most profound moment of the walk. In that snapshot, the crushing reality of the pressures young families face from the culture of death was on full display. Bittersweet tears ensued.
That island of sanity in San Francisco was truly heartening, but it ought not to distract us from the larger truth that this is only a small island in a nation being driven further and further into depravity by the most powerful forces in the nation, our public universities, the mass media, and our country’s self-professed mind healers, the psychologists. This is truly a sad day in America and we must note that our commander in chief is not only in league with all the destructive forces attacking our most innocent citizens, but a spokesman and champion for the cause of death. During the March for Life in D.C. the leader of the free world had this to say:
“Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health. We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom.”
There is great shame in the misuse of proper speech demonstrated by Mr. Obama. This is the age of lying by euphemism and at this our president excels. To talk about being committed to a guiding principle is devoutly to be wished, but not if that guiding principle is a lie. The truly diabolical aspect of this statement is that the lie is buried beneath an apparent truth. That a woman makes choices about her body and health are undeniable and inalienable rights. It would be dehumanizing to wish to control someone else’s choices about corporeal freedom and habits of health. Here is the genius of the devil. This seemingly decent statement by our president is an indecency that is an offense to all women of all time. The antecedents of his entire statement are sexual license and murder shamelessly camouflaged by seemingly noble language.
There is nothing healthy or health promoting about terminating the life of one’s own unborn child. The physical risks are daunting, the mental cost is outrageous, and the moral cost is unfathomable. Though it is common sense and intuitively obvious that for a Mother to “choose” to terminate the life of her baby she would be calling upon herself a physical, psychological and moral debt that will be partially paid immediately and if in part deferred, collected with extravagant interest.
It is simply medically and physically unhealthy to undergo the abortion procedure. Links to breast cancer and damage to reproductive organs ought to be prohibitive enough. Also, there is no shadow of a doubt that “choosing” an abortion has grave effects on a woman’s mental health. In the largest and most definitive study of the mental health risks associated with abortion, combining 22 studies since 1995 looking at 163,831 women who had abortions, the results are undeniable.
“Women who have had an abortion have an 81 percent higher risk of subsequent mental health problems compared to women who have not had an abortion.
“Women who aborted have a 138 percent higher risk of mental health problems compared to women who have given birth.
“Women who aborted have a 55 percent higher risk of mental health problems compared to women with an ‘unplanned’ pregnancy who gave birth.
“Women with a history of abortion have higher rates of anxiety, depression, alcohol use/misuse, marijuana use, and suicidal behavior, compared to those who have not had an abortion.”
It shouldn’t surprise us that the secular humanists at Psychology Today proffer denials of the undeniable, but that is the nature of psychology today, not to facilitate mental health, but to eliminate concepts of sin and guilt in a vain attempt to conquer nature and deny natural and divine law in the hopes that one untethered from the moral law will be happy. The secular humanist psychologists’ opinions are driven by a skepticism that give undue respect to the mind cut off from tradition, reason and truth.
Mother Theresa once said that America’s “decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships.” There is an avalanche of physical, mental and moral reasons to utterly reject the propaganda peddled by the Culture of Death. This silent holocaust is an astronomical accumulating moral debt for our country and a one by one sacrifice of women and children alike on the black altar of the choice. The time has come to clearly recognize the sanctity of life and to abolish abortion!
image: Brian Stansberry/Wikimedia Commons