For those who cannot get their husbands interested in any kind of prayer as a couple, here is one more thought. Do the two of you attend Mass together? Then you have already been praying together in the best way possible! Be grateful for this. If you want to make it a little more intentional, wife, then tell your husband how glad you are to have him praying at your side at Mass. Tell him what intentions you are praying about at mass, and ask him if he would please bring those needs to the altar as well, and share them with Jesus after communion. Ask him whether there is anything in particular that he would like you to pray for.And if he just shrugs his shoulders, you are to smile, say “I love you”, and let it go.
Now, maybe all of the above is just me speaking from my personal experience and prejudice. So…. Comments are welcome, especially from men.
*This is not to knock Steubenville. I love the place, and sent my oldest daughter there.