Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 / 2 Pt 1:16-19 / Lk 9:28-36
I cannot understand how some people can so easily dismiss the miracles of Jesus when we read the simple eyewitness accounts we have in places like our reading from Peter’s Second Letter.
Oh… May I be permitted to vent a little? I really cannot abide the undemanding re-write of the story of the multiplication of loaves as some sort of “Jesus shamed them into sharing what they had,” or any of the other dismissals of the truths of our faith.
No! That and the Transfiguration we are celebrating today, along with all the other miracles our Lord performed — and performs today — have been witnessed to by “ordinary” people as well as by “great” people.
Peter makes it very clear in his letter today: no “cleverly devised myths” (2 Pt 1:16) here — he saw the Glory of the Lord in an unmistakable way (albeit incomprehensible at the time).
What Peter saw and heard, he declared openly. We need to do the same. And if we have not seen or heard clearly, it is time to fall prostrate (Mt 17:6) before Him until He shows us His Truth.
Believe me! He wants to show Himself to each soul, now — before it is too late to embrace His Truth. Let His transfigured glory reach you. If it has — pray today, with a fervency like you never have before, that His glory will enter one more soul — right now !
Hear our prayers today, Lord, for those souls in need of Your glory. May Your Transfiguration reach its light into the darkest souls. Amen.