The Digital Catholic Library represents a leap forward in Catholic publishing. Instead of being entirely dependent on publishers to keep timeless treasures in print, Catholics will be able to keep, research, and print their own copies of the great works of our faith right in their own homes.
The first Catholic works – including the Scriptures – had to be written and copied by hand. It was not until Gutenberg invented his printing press in the 15^th century that reproductions of books could be made quickly and more affordably. However, even today, publishing books remains a costly process requiring hundreds, even thousands, of copies of books to be printed at once to keep costs reasonable. Even with the technological advances we employ today, a complete set of the Summa Theologica can cost $150, putting it out of reach for most Catholics — in particular students and families.
Digital Catholic Library addresses this shortcoming by providing an inexpensive solution — putting 35 must-have Catholic books in the hands of Catholics for only $30. In addition to the Summa, the Digital Catholic Library also includes Augustine’s Confessions, St. Theresa’s Mansions and Way of Perfection, The Little Flowers of St. Francis, John Henry Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua, The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, The Story of a Soul, The Imitation of Christ, G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, and all four volumes of The Baltimore Catechism, to name just a few. The complete list can be found at
In addition to being very affordable, Digital Catholic Library is a practical solution as well. The eBook editions of these works can be searched on your computer for specific keywords and phrases – much faster than using an index in a traditionally published edition. The text can also be copied and pasted directly into your favorite word processing software to make quoting the saints in your essays, Bible studies, sermons, and reports remarkably easy. Even if you already own the physical editions of some of the books included, the Digital Catholic Library can be an important, even essential, tool for Catholic writers, educators, students, homeschoolers, and clergy.
Since the Digital Catholic Library is compatible with Windows, MAC, and even Linux and Vista PCs, it is a tool available to all Catholics, regardless of your preferred operating system.
In fact, if your cell phone, PDA, Blackberry or Smartphone supports Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can even take these books with you on the go electronically – for reference at work, school, or while travelling. Even better, avoid the temptation of reading the tabloids in the supermarket checkout lane or the Hollywood-centered magazines in the doctor’s waiting room by bringing wholesome Catholic books with you to read on your portable device.
If you still prefer the feel of a book in your hands, the contents of the Digital Catholic Library have been professionally laid out so that you can print them as 8 ½ x 5 ½ books. You can even choose to print out the larger books in smaller sections, or print the books as large print editions. Reprint rights are included for your family to print the books as often as you need to, so there’s no need to be afraid of losing or damaging a book.
Since the books are stored digitally until you need them, the Digital Catholic Library takes up very little space. As such it will be much easier to find a place for the disc than for the same 35 books sitting on a shelf – or shelves.
Finally, history has shown us that there are times when Catholic ideals and writings have been discouraged, restricted, or outright banned by governments. The distribution of these books via the Digital Catholic Library to the members of the Body of Christ will ensure that no matter what political or economic turmoil comes in the future, these works will not be lost to future generations.
The arrival of the Digital Catholic Library – perhaps the greatest advance in publishing technology in 500 years – proves a number of advantages for Catholics of all ages, situations, and vocations. Invest in your own copy today.