It wasn't exactly a match made in heaven, at least on the face of it. An aging, former theology grad-student was placed in charge of 18 young elementary students, preparing them for First Holy Communion. The teacher had never taught CCD for children this young, preferring adult education and the wonderful tangents it promised in discussion.
However, her own son needed a teacher, and no one else was forthcoming. Why not?
What a surprise for the teacher! The children asked very good questions, and as the year wore on, she actually looked forward to teaching them every week. She found herself sitting up at night writing out funny games and songs to help them learn their catechism and work off a little energy. By Christmas, she could not deny to herself that teaching Christ's little ones was a lot more fun and edifying than teaching their parents.
The children did not ask leading questions trying to play "trap the theologian." The children were always ready to learn first, and had no ideological hurdles to place in the way of the class. In fact, the only time the teacher was troubled by these cherubs is when they innocently shared some of the foibles of their parents. Even these incidents eventually led to huge graces for everyone.
For example, during the lecture on the Third Commandment (Keep holy the
Sabbath day), one child raised her hand and asked, "But what if you have never been to Mass?" After assuring her it would not be her sin until she could drive herself to Mass, the teacher promptly set out to find out why she was in a CCD class. (Can you say, "mixed marriage?") By the end of the year, the teacher had made great strides in charity, and the children had learned their catechism, and hopefully, the parents learned a thing or two as well.
The following review was given to the children by their teacher in the hope of re-catechizing the parents and reviewing the semester's work over Christmas vacation. Enjoy!
(Sung to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas")
On the first day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: the mystery of the Holy Trinity.
On the second day of Catechism, my teacher gave to me: extended catechesis… on the aforementioned Holy Trinity.
On the third day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: one creation story, man with soul and body… and the image of the Holy Trinity.
On the fourth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: four Gospel writers, one creation story, more Thomistic interpretation… on the aforementioned Holy Trinity.
On the fifth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: True God and True Man, Jesus in the Gospels, creation in the garden, incarnational mystery… of the aforementioned Holy Trinity.
On the sixth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: Christ conquers sin, True God and True Man, Jesus in the Gospels, creation in the garden, merciful redemption by the aforementioned Holy Trinity.
On the seventh day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: seven sacraments, Baptism and Confession, BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST! Co-o-onfirmation, Matrimo-o-ny, Ho-o-oly Orders and the Anointing of the Sick!
On the eighth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: eight Beatitudes, Matthew Chapter Five, look them up yourself, True God and True Man, Jesus in the Gospels, teaching us to serve, the Kingdom is upon you, in the power of the Holy Trinity.
On the ninth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: nine choirs of angels, eight Beatitudes, seven sacraments, love conquers sin, True God and True Man, Jesus in the Gospels, creation in the garden, heaven is our home, where we'll live with the Holy Trinity.
On the tenth day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: Ten Commandments, worship only God, God's name is holy, keep the Sabbath day, honor mom and dad, THOU SHALT NOT KILL!, nor commit adultery, nor steal nor bear false witness, nor covet people and things.
On the eleventh day of Catechism, my teacher taught to me: the Church's
Story, the body of Jesus, Christ in the world, a place for us to learn, a place for us to serve, in the power of the Spirit, PETER WAS THE FIRST POPE!, priests and bishops, shepherd the flock, pray for them each day, that the Church may be what she is called to be.
On the twelfth day of Catechism, the teacher taught to me: twelve prayers to know, Sign of the Cross, Glory Be – Hail Mary, Ou-our Father, Angel of God, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals, Act of Contrition, mo-orning offering, acts of faith, hope a-a-and love, and say them reverently!
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