The Truth about Toddlers and Church

You know, after almost 11 years of parenting, I’ve finally got it down.  My kids all do their chores without complaining and each and every one of them, particularly the toddler, loves to participate respectfully throughout the entire Mass every Sunday and…

Oh, I’m sorry.  Hadn’t you heard about today being opposite day?

Guys, the munchkin is turning two at the end of the month and apparently she just gotten the memo, because the child has taken to driving us NUTS.  And she knows it!  She. Knows. It.


The other day our eldest, who is almost 11, was reading her a sweet, little, pious, book .


“Dada and pretty windows and a baby.”




“I hear music and mama talking to me”


Well, then…


“I read a book and run around!”

“Don’t you pray?”

“Uh, no.”



Dwija Borobia lives with her husband and their four (soon-to-be-five!) kids in rural southwest Michigan in a fixer-upper they bought sight-unseen off the internet. Between homeschooling and corralling chickens, she pretends her time on the internet doesn’t count because she uses the computer standing up.  You can read more on her blog house unseen. life unscripted.


Dwija Borobia lives with her husband and their five kids in rural southwest Michigan in a fixer-upper they bought sight-unseen off the internet. Between homeschooling and corralling chickens, she pretends her time on the internet doesn’t count because she uses the computer standing up. You can read more on her blog house unseen. life unscripted.

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