The Tin Cup Rattleth

Francis in Meditation 2At the very least, readers can give me a scrimption of credit for providing a catchy title to this latest installment of our Catholic Exchange summer fundraiser, even if begging was the last topic you wanted to read about today. But begging is what we have to do here.

We come from a long, proud tradition of begging, in fact, one that includes Saint Francis of Assisi. St. Francis and his Friars Minor happily begged for what they needed if the situation warranted it. Were they lazy? Were they irresponsible? Of course not.

Neither are we here at Catholic Exchange. We beg for the same reasons saints beg: because by the generous gifts of those who respond to the begging, the Great Commission continues. Teaching, preaching, evangelizing, proclaiming the Good News, everything that belongs to the mission of the Catholic Church—to that Catholic Exchange proudly synchronizes itself. I don’t make big bucks doing this, neither does our president, Charlie McKinney, neither do our extraordinary contributors like Gail Finke, Dr. Paul Kengor, Judy Keane, Stephen Beale, Father Michael P. Orsi, Father Ed Broom, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, or any of your other favorite writers here. We all just want what you want: the victory of Christ in the world.

So we are passing the tin cup to you. Please help us. Go to our secure online donation form and give what you can–$25? $100 $500? A pledge to give each month is helpful to us, as well—it helps us plan out what we can accomplish throughout the year.

Please go here now and give a gift to Catholic Exchange! It is such a short, easy process, but one that keeps lifeblood pumping through CE’s veins so it can continue producing exciting, entertaining, passionate, and usable material for you to defend the Church and gather in souls for God! Thank you for all of your help and prayers.

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Dan Lord is the author of By the Downward Way (SalvO, 2014) and Choosing Joy (Our Sunday Visitor, 2012). His articles have appeared in Crisis, National Catholic Register, Catholic News Agency, and Fathers For Good and he is a national speaker on various topics. He blogs at That Strangest of Wars.

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