Fear of the charge “extremist” is the reason Bush followed his father's example and broke a campaign promise, albeit implied, to oppose federal funding if embryos would be destroyed. “Extremist” is a word you hear a lot if you hold certain beliefs.
And just what does the Left mean when they use the term?
Presumably, an “extremist” is one who refuses to compromise on a minor point and even disregards what seems to be common sense. Thus, the “clump of cells” argument, which ignores the bothersome truth that little clumps of embryonic cells turn into big clumps of cells called human beings.
Anyway, “extremist” is the pejorative for someone who stands on principle. We always hear the word when that someone is a conservative who opposes a pet liberal cause. But suppose we measure those who fling the charge with their own yardstick.
Certainly then, the definition of “extremist” is broad enough to pin the label on the feminists and their male camp followers.
Consider: their belief that partial birth abortion, the practice of killing a baby in the birth canal during delivery, should be legal.
So hard is their pro-abortion position that even when a baby is just 30 seconds from birth, they would permit a doctor to jam a scissors into its fontanel, vacuum its brain, crush its skull, and deliver a corpse.
Partial-birth abortion is never a medical necessity; it is nothing less than infanticide. Yet Bill Clinton and the harem of feminists who ignored his sexual predation support it. That's not an “extreme” position?
And don't forget those “scientists” who, given the power, would forbid a college biology professor to question the theory of evolution. A professor, even one who teaches evolution by the book, can lose his job if he merely raises a question that casts the theory into doubt.
Time was, scientists asked questions about everything. But the one thing you dare not question now is the dogma that monkeys turned into men. But that's not “extremist.” Only those who suggest teaching evolution for what it is, a theory, suffer the label.
Finally, consider those who would force the Boy Scouts to accept homosexual Scout masters. The Scouts is a private organization with a creed that calls on members to be “morally straight.” The Boy Scouts thus frown on homosexual behavior.
But homosexual activists and their civil rights lawyers want the courts to force the Scouts to abandon their code. And again, they aren't the “extremists.” The Boy Scouts are.
Just a few examples, but you get the idea.
Extremism is a vice found only in those on the right, or those who defend traditional Christian values. And that notion is carefully cultivated by the news media, which is controlled by liberals who favor partial-birth abortion, believe in evolution and think every Scout troop needs a homosexual at the top.
Just read some big-city newspapers sometime, or listen to such “moderates” as Sen. Barbara Boxer or Rep. Dick Gephardt flap their flews. The Clintons, we were told, were the victims of “extremist,” conspiratorial ideologues.
Bush was wrong to approve federal subsidies for embryonic stem-cell research, but in so doing, he proved the label works.
It certainly worked on him.
(This column courtesy of Agape Press.)