2 Thessalonians 3:5
May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.
In the great comic novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams tells us of a vast computer system that was erected by some alien civilization to Figure out the Meaning of Life. After several thousand years it does. The answer, it turns out, is “42”. Adams’ book is very funny, but at least part of its humor is founded on despair; the despair of ever really finding any meaning in life. And Adams (what a significant name that is!) is not alone. The whole of fallen humanity since Adam is likewise confused and despairing of ever being able to find a point to things. Yet, of course, we are driven to try anyway and so we erect not only computer systems but civilizations, empires, sciences, arts, philosophies, religions, and thousands upon thousands of little systems of order in the endless hope that we might, this time, find the happiness for which we are made. But the simple fact is, as Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.” That is why today’s verse is so important. For it sums up the point of life: we are directed to the love of God, plain and simple. Anything — money, relationships, power, fame, beauty or any other earthly good — that tries to sit on the throne in the heart reserved exclusively for God is a cheat. Yet, such is our confusion as fallen children of Adam, that we continually feel tempted away from him and toward adoration of creatures. That is why we need, not just steadfastness, but “the steadfastness of Christ” who alone loves the Father as he deserves and who alone can give us the strength to enter into that love which is the only love that lasts.