What is becoming clear is that Condit carried on what Bill Clinton would probably characterize as an “inappropriate relationship” with Levy.
Relatives of the intern say she was involved “romantically” with Condit, himself a grandfather. Condit still has not commented publicly on, for instance, why the young woman spent the night at his Washington apartment shortly before her disappearance more than six weeks ago.
Condit isn't talking anymore. Instead, he has chosen to hire an attorney to represent him. He's acting like a man who has something to hide.
Whether or not Condit's relationship with Levy has anything to do with her disappearance, it seems self-evident that this is yet another example of the way powerful old men in Washington exploit their positions to take advantage of young people for sexual favors.
It's ironic that Condit has on his congressional website a prominent link to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids.
Like Bill Clinton and Monica, Gary Studds and his male pages, Barney Frank and his congressional escort service and a dozen others who have exploited young people entrusted to them by parents and the American people, these officials in Washington will tell you they are motivated to perform their public service in the name of “the children.” Yet, the way they carry on their personal lives often betrays all the do-gooder rhetoric.
They are too often takers, users, exploiters – men without a conscience, without a sense of morality.
They pass laws against sexual harassment – but they are laws intended to catch and punish other people, not to hold themselves accountable in any way.
Now, it's entirely possible that Condit had nothing to do with Chandra Levy's disappearance. Perhaps they had their inappropriate relationship and Levy fell victim to a street crime of some kind – or just decided to take off for destination unknown.
But it won't change the fact that Condit and Levy spent at least one night together, according to police. It won't change the fact that Levy herself all but admitted to her family that she was having an affair with the congressman. It won't change the fact that such relationships are wrong – plain and simple.
The fact that those kinds of relationships often cause the men in positions of power to be compromised – to lie to cover their tracks, even commit perjury – is just one reason they are wrong. They are also wrong on simple immutable moral grounds.
It was once true in America that an affair of this kind – once public – would ruin a politician's career. Sadly, it's no longer the case. Today it is becoming an accepted fact of life that men in power will commit adultery with attractive young people under their control and influence.
Gary Condit should resign – immediately. He ought to go back home to Modesto and get his life together. He ought to apologize to his wife and children and grandchildren and make amends. He ought to get off his butt and help the Levy family find their daughter. He ought to fire the attorneys and come clean with the American people.
He probably thinks he's just too important a figure in Washington. He probably thinks his “public service” work is too vital to the republic. He probably thinks America cannot do without him.
He's wrong.
He's operating under a cloud. He's thoroughly compromised. He cannot represent the interests of his congressional district, nor carry out his constitutional functions.
Enough is enough.
By quitting and acknowledging he was wrong to allow Chandra Levy to spend the night in his apartment under any circumstances, he would be performing perhaps his greatest service to date to the nation. He would be making it clear that it is still wrong in America for elected officials to exploit their power positions in personal relationships with employees, interns and pages.
(This article courtesy of WorldNetDaily.com.)