The Big Questions, Part Three: Out of the Shadow

It can get pretty dark when we stay inside our own heads and try to figure things out. We'll understand ourselves much better when we step into His Light.

"For without the Creator the creature would disappear…. When God is forgotten… the creature itself grows unintelligible" (Gaudium et Spes).

When we stay inside our own heads and try to figure out why we're here and where we came from, all is dark. But the questions themselves lead toward the light, for in seeking out the truth of our origins, we must go beyond ourselves, above ourselves. And we have to go, heedless of the consequences, for truth is the goal and there's no time to stay stuck in our own fabrications.

These questions are scary, beautiful, wonderful, and often disturbing. Inside every question is a quest…. an adventure that we are made to embark upon. This is the road that goes on and on, like the road Bilbo Baggins sang about at the beginning of his great adventure.

The journey starts with our asking why there is something instead of nothing, with recognizing that we live in a building we did not make, but then it takes a reflective turn as we wonder what we are that we should ask such questions. We encounter the truth of the human person as a free moral agent and look up and beyond ourselves to ask Who God is. We should treasure this question about Who God is, and look at it closely, for when we find Him, we find ourselves.

 The question is not without an answer. And the answer is beyond our wildest dreams! It doesn't lie in some primordial pool (although we may have resided there at some point). The answer lies above us, for the Spirit in the beginning hovered over those primordial waters (see Genesis 1) and so we stargaze, ponder, wonder and contemplate.

When we want to see something that lies in the shadows, we turn on the light. Creation and the human person can teach us much about the objective nature of God. We can know there is a Great Power, a Towering Intellect, a Force behind all things. But in the light of revelation, God reveals Himself, pulling back the veil.

These are most exciting Truths and yet, Mother Church almost whispers it in hushed and reverent tones: "God Himself is an eternal exchange of Love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and He has destined us to share in that exchange."

For this we were made. That we may know this, all other things were made.


Bill is a husband and father who teaches theology at Malvern Preparatory School, Immaculata University, and speaks throughout the country on aspects of the Catholic faith and Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Visit for more information!

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