his is an old-school idea that really works! I use it every day.
I wake up at five, throw some work-out clothes on and head to work. I used to forget things like my badge that gives me access to my building and the elevators. At 5:30 AM, dressed in running shorts, without a shower, it's pretty hard to explain to the security guard that you really work in the building.
Not anymore. Now I put everything I need to take to work in one space. When that space is empty, I know with one glance that I've got everything I need.
I love emptiness- empty Inboxes, empty action lists, empty spaces. Beautiful!
How about you? Have any old school GTD ideas you would like to share? Post a comment and I'll feature the best ones in a future post.
(For more posts like this one, visit my blog, Tech Rest – Enjoying technology and finding rest in a restless world)