I know. I’m “mean-spirited.” But in light of the California Supreme Court’s recent opinion — which enigmatically manufactured a “constitutional right” to “same-sex marriage” out of thin air — I think we need to come back to earth for a moment. Mind you, re-entry into reality’s atmosphere will inevitably burn some folks. When same-sex friendships are twisted and sexualized, practitioners of “the sin that dare not speak its name” are forced, at every level, to merely mimic the genuine article. They jump through a series of inelegant hoops to create a fantasy world wherein two people of the same gender clumsily imitate natural heterosexual pairings properly designed for procreation and the healthy rearing of children.
Even “gay sex” (male-male anal sodomy) is a crude, man-made imitation of the natural heterosexual reproductive process. Sadly, as millions of homosexuals have had to learn the hard way, this disordered, makeshift simulation of a natural biological process is coldly rejected by the very human biology it mocks.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has illustrated time and again, unnatural behaviors beget natural consequences. Homosexual conduct — especially among males — creates an environment ripe for infectious disease and emotional and spiritual injury. This, by definition, is perversion. (“Perversion: Pathology. A change to what is unnatural or abnormal: a perversion of function or structure.” – Dictionary.com)
Homosexuality is a dead end. It’s emotionally, spiritually, and physically sterile. But it’s not surprising that, as with most sins, those trapped in the aptly named “queer” lifestyle desperately seek affirmation of their behavioral choices. Deep down, I believe most of us know when we’re doing something immoral, let alone unnatural and unhealthy, and so we want others to convince us otherwise.
Consider comedian and talk show host Ellen Degeneres. After recently announcing that she intended to “marry” her friend, Portia DeRossi (a woman), Ellen sought approval from presidential candidate John McCain, whom she had as a guest on her show.
She, along with so many other self-described “gays,” “lesbians,” and “bisexuals,” desperately want others – especially those who respect God’s natural design for human sexuality — to join them in ignoring the pink elephant in the room: Homosexual conduct has always been and always will be, in every way, wrong. It is unhealthy, and it is sin.
I’ll admit it, Ellen is a sympathetic figure with a quick wit. I’m sure she’s a very nice person, and I don’t dislike her at all. But she’s playing with fire. Ellen compounds the sin of homosexuality by using the platform she’s been given to lead others astray. She guides her many adoring housewife fans into rebellion against God’s divine and explicit natural order by suggesting they celebrate sin and entertain, along with her, the “gay marriage” delusion.
Still, God will not be mocked. It’s the height of humanist hubris to believe that man (including judges) can radically redefine that which God has created. We can never sanctify that which natural law rejects and God expressly condemns. Especially when God Himself, out of sheer love for each of us, offers us so much more.
I’m sorry (well not really) for my lack of contrived “sensitivity,” but Ellen, sweetie (to borrow from a presidential candidate), no amount of wishful thinking or going through the motions will make your illicit same-sex “relationship” with Ms. DeRossi a “marriage.” You may get a piece of paper that says it is, but, in the eyes of God and most of the world, your counterfeit “marriage” will never be worth the paper it’s written on.
Again, I know. I’m a hateful, homophobic bigot … yada yada yada. But for those who disagree, your gripe isn’t with me; it’s with your sovereign Creator who loves each of us in spite of ourselves.
While on Ellen’s show, Senator McCain famously wished her “nothing but happiness.” I echo his sentiment. I wish Ellen nothing but happiness. But not the kind of quasi-happiness that comes in the temporal through sinful self-indulgence. Of that, God requires Ellen — and all of us — to repent. Happiness derived from sin inevitably rings hollow. If Ellen wants real happiness, the kind of happiness that’s accompanied by “the peace which surpasses all understanding,” I pray she’ll have a conversation with Jesus Christ.
But nonetheless, what a Pandora’s Box the California Supreme Court has opened. These four black-robed autocrats have engaged in the worst kind of judicial activism, abandoning their role as objective interpreters of the law and, instead, constructively legislating from the bench.
It’s absurd to suggest that the framers of the California state constitution could have ever imagined there’d be a day when so-called “same-sex marriage” would even be conceptualized, much less seriously considered.
Since the court refused to stay its own opinion and since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many county officials in California will, by all indications, submit to the court’s “supreme” will and begin issuing marriage licenses to homosexual duos on June 17, the court will have effectively imposed “gay marriage” on Californians in direct defiance of the express will of the people as overwhelmingly ratified with Proposition 22.
Undoubtedly, out-of-state “gay” duos will then “marry” in California and head back to their home states demanding their “marriages” be given “full faith and credit.” Look forward to legal chaos.
Still, hope remains. A measure that would amend California’s Constitution to maintain the definition of marriage as a union “between a man and a woman” has been certified and will be on the 2008 ballot. And there’s a good chance it’ll pass.
But more must be done. Anyone who ever said that the marriage “decision should be left up to the states” and that a federal constitutional marriage amendment was unnecessary, is now eating crow. It’s clear, now more than ever, that a federal constitutional amendment protecting marriage is the only foolproof means by which to ensure that legitimate marriage and family are not radically redefined into oblivion.
Matt Barber is one of the like-minded men with Concerned Women for America. He is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law and serves as CWA’s policy director for cultural issues.