Symbolizing Victory, Islamic Conquerors Erect Mosques Over Sacred Sites

Throughout history, Muslim conquerors have demonstrated their hatred and disdain for all other religions by purposefully erecting mosques over some of the most sacred and hallowed places of Judaic and Christian worship.

The al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Temple Mount.  The former St. Sophia’s Basilica, once the world’s largest cathedral and orthodox patriarchal basilica, was torn down and replaced with the principal mosque of Istanbul.  The Cordoba mosque in Spain was a former Christian cathedral.   Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels.

Today, in New York City, Muslim leaders are plotting to build a mega-mosque near the site of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, where over three thousand Americans were callously murdered by Islamic jihadists.  The site of the Twin Towers has become the most hallowed ground in United States history since Pearl Harbor.

The Center for Security Policy has released a video with a chilling reminder that history repeats itself. Click HERE to see video.

The Thomas More Law Center is defending the right to oppose the construction of the mega-mosque. Click HERE for more information.

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