I still remember standing on deck with my arm around my wife and the cool salt breeze in my face. We were watching the dolphins jumping and diving alongside the ship as the sunset reflected and glistened on the waves. Alaska is simply stunning in its wild and expansive beauty.
That was our first Alaskan cruise with over one hundred enthusiastic Catholics wanting to learn the Bible and their faith. Such a stunningly beautiful setting inspires an awe of God and an attitude of worship. I am convinced King David wrote his best Psalms while looking up at the stars at night.
And as much as we loved the blue-tinted icebergs with birds circling in the air, the lumberjack contests, the excellent cuisine, the events for our kids, and the cool breezes over the ocean, we have to say we enjoyed the fellowship with other enthusiastic Catholics even more. My wife Janet and I were always surrounded by folks alive with a new excitement for the faith and we spent hours in conversation and discussion.
It was a few years ago and we can’t believe we are actually doing it again — going on an Alaskan cruise — this time with Catholic Exchange and Catholic Scripture Study International (CSS)!
Last time we took our two teenage daughters and four suitcases full of excitement! It was an experience we will never forget. We enjoyed the ocean sunsets, whales and dolphins, activities galore, and the best food in the world. But with this upcoming trip I am even more excited about the intense Scripture studies and talks, daily Mass, heart-to-heart discussions and learning with fellow believers who are in love with Jesus and the Church.
This trip is going to be with the world’s most influential Catholic media organization, Catholic Exchange, along with CSS, the premier Bible study association that is on the cutting edge of making Catholic Bible study easy and accessible to parishes and study groups around the world. Catholic Exchange and Catholic Scripture Study International (CSS) are making a huge impact in the Catholic world.
My wife Janet and I were delighted to accept the invitation to join the CE/CSS Alaskan cruise from August 4-11, 2006. This cruise will sail the waters of Alaska and dive deep into the word of God. I am looking forward to sharing my love and excitement for the Bible with other like-minded Catholics. I will be speaking on Scripture study and my wife and I will be available to all the other guests to talk, share our faith, answer questions and revel in the truth of the Catholic Church.
We will be joined by Gail Buckley, Executive Director of CSS, Mark Shea, Patrick Madrid, and the marvelous young priest Fr. Patrick Winslow. We will have the chance to escape the heat of summer and enjoy the fresh air and excitement of Alaska!
My wife Janet and I would like to personally invite you to join us this summer as we cruise the ocean, enter glacier bays, enjoy exciting side trips on shore and study the Bible together. For more information or to register for this exciting trip, visit the CSS Alaskan Cruise website at CatholicExchangeCruise.com or call 1-800-727-1999.
(Steve Ray is a best-selling author producer and host of The Footprints of God. His website, Defenders of the Catholic Faith, includes useful apologetics resources, Steve’s blog, and a lively discussion board.)