St. Peter’s College, a Benedictine liberal arts school affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan, and which describes itself as being deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition, has invited Belinda Stronach, known for her support of abortion and same-sex marriage, to be the keynote speaker at its fund-raising dinner to be held September 16, 2008.A spokeswoman at St. Peter’s college told that Stronach was chosen to speak at their Gala dinner because of her business experience and fund-raising acumen, but declined to comment on whether the college was concerned about Stronach’s position on issues which put her in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Stronach has a lengthy of history of actively promoting abortion and homosexual “marriage.” Earlier this year reported that the Liberal MP was one of a handful of Canadian politicians photographed marching in the raunchy Toronto Gay Pride Parade. She has also participated in the parade in previous years.
In 2006 LifeSiteNews reported that Stronach told the Toronto Star that she believed that only pro-abortion women’s groups should receive government funding. Stronach said, “[Pro-life women’s groups] should be rejected because they’re anti-choice and they’re also anti-equal rights. They don’t support equality.”
Stronach’s comments to the press closely resembled those she made in the House of Commons the day before the Toronto Star published its story. Stronach slammed the government for even hearing the opinions of REAL Women, a pro-life and pro-family women’s group. “This is a group that is anti-choice, anti-gay, does not support equality for women and wants to obliterate the Department on the Status of Women,” said Stronach. “This group’s website even has links to sites that suggest that day cares do not care and homosexuality is a psychological disorder.”
The politician has made numerous other statements throughout the years affirming her support for numerous issues that run directly in opposition to fundamental Catholic moral teachings.
A request for comment to the president of St. Peter’s College was not answered by press time.
No one was available for comment at the office of the Bishop of Saskatoon.
To express your concern to St. Peter’s College please contact:
Robert Harasymchuk, President
St. Peter’s College
Phone: 306.682.7888
Fax: 306.682.4402
Mailing Address
RPO Box 40
Muenster, SK S0K 2Y0
To express your concern to the Bishop of Saskatoon please contact:
Most Reverend Albert Francois LeGatt,
Bishop of Saskatoon
100 – 5th Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2N7
Phone: (306) 242-1500
Toll Free: 877-661-5005
Fax: (306) 244-6010