As is probably obvious from the dearth of posting over the past two weeks, I’m stuck in the middle of one of my quarterly work related nightmares. So, basically, I just haven’t had the time to blog, or do much of anything else lately. So what’s a sci-fi geek to do when he’s short on time, but is really in the mood to watch some episodes of Star Trek. Why, watch them all at once, of course…
It’s kind of mesmerizing isn’t it? At least for awhile. But if your ears just can’t take the cacophony for too long, at least fast forward to the last couple of minutes where there’s a neat transition from all the chaos into a weird choral-like effect as each episode starts rolling the end credits.
Admittedly, it’s probably not the best way to watch two seasons of Star Trek, but sometimes you just don’t have hours upon hours to devote to something. Heck, even the study of your religion can get sidetracked due to the responsibilities of day to day life. So, if you happen to know somebody who’s interested in The Church, but doesn’t have the time right now to sit down and dig through 2000 years worth of material like the Bible, The Catechism, Ratzinger’s Introduction To Christianity, The Summa Theologica, etc., ad infinitum, then might I suggest passing along to them something I ran across on Amazon? The Catholicism For Dummies Mini Edition by Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., Rev. Kenneth Brighenti is a brief (I’m talking less than an hour to read), but very concise survey of the basic teachings and structure of the Catholic Church. And it’s only $0.99! (At that price I bought one for my Kindle even though I’ve already got all those other books on it.) But if that’s still too long for them, here’s a free cheat sheet from Catholics For Dummies that sums up most of the basic stuff in one page.
So there, see, problem solved. Just do me a favor and don’t let anyone try watching the above video AND reading the CFD Mini Edition at the same time. I just don’t know what that much information at one time would do to a person’s brain. Although, having watched Scanners, I have a terrible idea.