Seven Million to be Thrown Off Health Plans

Remember when Obama promised that under his health scheme you could keep your health insurance and your doctor?

Well forget it. You can’t necessarily keep your insurance or your doctor. Period.

The Congressional Budget Office now says that, because of Obamacare, 7 million people will lose their employer-provided health insurance and have to go get coverage on their own.

Obama wasn’t just wrong. He was wrong by 7 million people.

This isn’t just some flukey thing that popped up. It’s intrinsic to the health care law: employers can either keep offering insurance or take a penalty and dump their employees into the individual market.

And yet Obama repeated this claim again and again as he tried to sell Obamacare to the public. Unless he didn’t understand his own proposal, he almost certainly had to know it was false.

Asked about the discrepancy today between Obama’s words and deeds, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney understandably immediately changed the subject. Because, Carney is paid enough to defend the indefensible, but he’d probably ask for a raise before agreeing to defend the completely indefensible.

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Award winning journalist Keith Koffler has 16 years of experience covering Washington. As a reporter for CongressDaily, National Journal magazine, and Roll Call, Keith wrote primarily from the White House, covering three presidents and learning as few have the intricacies of the West Wing and the behavior and motivations of its occupants. While mainly stationed at the White House, he also extensively covered Congress and Washington’s lobbyists. Keith has also written for a variety of other publications, including Politico, The Daily Caller, and The London Observer. He currently writes regular opinion columns for Politico. He blogs at

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