How Seeds of the Word May Make Me Watch More Movies


How Seeds of the Word May Make Me Watch More Movies

Seeds of the Word (Week 2 of 11)

Sometimes the way God gets me to read a book is by having me give away my review copy and forcing me to purchase one… And sometimes the way God gets me to watch more movies is to have me purchase a book I could’ve read for free.

I’m a huge fan of Bishop Barron and his work. I’ve been following and reading him for years and I even met him once.

But…I’m not really a watcher of TV. Or movies. I love going to the movies, but right now I have time for dishes, work, laundry, work, and sleep. When I can consume anything cultural, it has pages and words. (I’m the best football widow you’ve ever seen, because it’s my excuse to read, read, READ!)

The news that this book was going to be our next assignment left me a little twisty eyebrowed and definitely smiling in God’s direction.

Did I mention that I love Bishop Barron’s writing? Worst case: I’ll read some excellent essays about topics I don’t care about, but it will be good writing. I’ll take it. There are worse penances in life.

It took all of one essay (about a movie I had zero desire to watch previously) for me to start building a watchlist on my Amazon Prime and Netflix accounts. (My family likes TV. I hate that it interrupts my reading time.)

Because, yes, here’s the reality: in the entire section on movies, I’ve seen TWO (and one of them is listed as a part of a group).

Today’s assignment covered:

  • Vicki, Christina, Barcelona
  • Angels and Demons
  • The Stoning of Soraya M.
  • District 9
  • A Serious Man
  • Agora
  • Eat, Pray, Love

While I haven’t seen any of these, Barron did catch my attention. As always, his insight pierced through the popular into the heart of the matter. He convinced me that District 9 may be something I’ll enjoy (if I ever get around to watching a movie that’s not a date night movie) and that A Serious Man may be worth sacrificing reading time to watch.

Reading Assignment:

True Grit – The Hunger Games

Discussion Questions:

1. Which of these movies did Bishop Barron convince you to watch or to reconsider?

2. Did you find yourself challenged by anything Bishop Barron wrote? If so, how?

Feel free to comment on anything from our assignment this past week!

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About Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard continues to delight ”and be challenged by” her vocations of Catholic wife and mother. She’s online at and is the author of a number of books for families.

This article is reprinted with permission from our friends at Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction.

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