Commentary by Shawn Carney, Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life
On this tenth day of the 40 Days for Life campaign, I have a few stories, a few more pictures — and good news from London that should help get your day off to a really exciting start.
Robert, who’s coordinating the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in England, says the prayers of vigil participants have helped save more two babies.
Praise God for his courage to bring this campaign to London! Plus there’s another sign that shows how this vigil is having an impact.
“It looks like Marie Stopes [the abortion facility] has closed their doors today,” he wrote on Wednesday. “And all their clients are turning up.” This certainly suggests that the closure was unexpected. This same abortion business was also closed last Saturday — another day they are usually open.
Marie Stopes, by the way, is a major abortion chain in the UK — not unlike the Planned Parenthood network. Yet their Central London location is apparently closing without notice during 40 Days for Life. That is EXCELLENT news!
Little Rock, Arkansas
The 40 Days for Life team in Little Rock, Arkansas reported three babies spared from abortion. One of the pro-life counselors had a simple, direct message for women entering the facility for abortion appointments that really struck a chord:
“Ask to see the ultrasound.”
Showing the ultrasound image is something most abortion centers don’t like to do. It offers instant proof to a woman that a baby does indeed exist — HER baby.
One very young couple that the counselor talked to walked out of the facility with smiles — and their ultrasound photo in hand. They took information about a pro-life pregnancy center and left.
Another couple received the same simple message: “Ask to see the ultrasound.” The counselor reports this woman was possibly in the fourth month of pregnancy.
The couple went inside — but over the course of the next hour, the woman came out crying twice. They came out a third time — she was still crying — but this time they left. No abortion!