Saint Venantius

Born Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus in 535, thankfully, we know him simply as Saint Venantius. He lived in Treviso, Italy, but was educated at Ravenna and went to Germany in the year 565. While living in Poitiers, he was ordained and also became an advisor and secretary to King Clotaire I’s wife, Radegund. Eventually he was made Bishop of Poitiers. He loved to write and wrote about other religious figures in history such as Hilary of Poiters, Radegund, Martin of Tours, and Germanus of Paris. He also wrote about the marriage of King Sigebert and Brunehilde in the year 566, about other relatives of the King and Queen, and hymns and poems. Two of his most well-known hymns are Pange Lingua Gloriosi and Vexilla Regis.  Due to his many writings on such varied subjects, we now have invaluable information on the life and customs of his time.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Dominic of Silos (1073), Abbot, Patron of Captives

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