Today's Saint

Saint Nicholas

Story of St. Nicholas:

St. Nicholas, born around 280 AD in Patara (modern-day Turkey), was known for his deep faith and generosity. Orphaned at a young age, he inherited great wealth, but he used it to serve the poor and needy. After becoming bishop of Myra, he was renowned for his dedication to justice, kindness, and his commitment to defending the faith during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian.

Many legends surround his life, the most famous being his secret gift-giving. In one story, Nicholas provided dowries for three impoverished sisters by secretly tossing bags of gold into their home at night, saving them from a life of hardship. His acts of kindness inspired the tradition of giving gifts during the Christmas season.

St. Nicholas also defended orthodoxy at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, standing firmly against the Arian heresy. He passed away on December 6th, around 343 AD. His feast day, celebrated on this date, honors his legacy as a patron saint of children, sailors, and the downtrodden.

Practical Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Be Generous in Small Ways: St. Nicholas shows us the power of quiet, practical generosity. Today, you can follow his example by performing small, thoughtful acts—like covering a coffee for someone, donating warm clothes to a shelter, or helping a struggling friend anonymously.
  • Lesson 2: Stand Up for What’s Right: Nicholas defended his faith and his people with courage. In modern life, this can mean standing against bullying, speaking up for fair treatment at work, or protecting someone vulnerable. Act with kindness and firmness to be a force for good in your community.

A Quote from St. Nicholas:
“The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God’s generosity by showing our gratitude to Him through acts of kindness to others.”

Prayer to St. Nicholas:
Loving God, who inspired St. Nicholas with a spirit of generosity and justice, grant that we may follow his example in caring for others and standing firm in our faith. Help us to give freely, love deeply, and live humbly, imitating Your perfect love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

image: « Maître des Evangiles de st Goery », Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons