Protecting Kids, Families from Predator ‘Spam’

An Arkansas-based company is trying to protect families from the harmful effects of computer porn. The company has developed a product that stops “spam” &#0151 unsolicited e-mail messages &#0151 from ever getting to personal computers.

The developers of SpamRival claim it blocks all automated spam and unsolicited junk e-mail. When e-mail messages arrive from unknown senders, SpamRival returns a “challenge” mail that asks senders to authenticate themselves by clicking on a link that takes them to the SpamRival website where they are instructed to type in a word that is shown in graphic form. This approach, says a SpamRival spokesman, prevents automated systems from authenticating themselves.

John Calloway of SpamRival says the need for such a product is great.

“The way the Internet has become, with e-mail being such a major part of our lives, if you don't take the steps to protect your family, then you're failing as a parent,” says the former youth pastor. “In my opinion, with my house, I'm failing my children, my wife, and myself if I continue to allow things to come in [without my approval].”

According to Calloway, the temptation to indulge in Internet pornography is a devious trick that can sneak up on just about anyone.

“People who are wrapped up in pornography didn't wake up one morning and say 'Hey, I'm a hard-core pornographer,'” he says. “They woke up one morning and they saw soft porn. They woke up one morning and saw an ad. They clicked on a link that intrigued them.”

Calloway explains that his company's product is ideal for parents who are worried about their children getting pornographic e-mail. “[Those parents are] able to have this product and actually control the 'Approved' and 'Rejected' lists,” he says. “They can actually say, 'I don't want these things coming through' &#0151 and [they] can clear entire domains.”

According to SpamRival, 76% of all e-mail received is unsolicited or junk mail. In addition, 80% of all viruses reach computers through such e-mail.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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