Yesterday [September18], leaders from more than 20 pro-life organizations came together in Rosemont, Ill. to draft a joint plan aimed at de-funding and shutting down Planned Parenthood.The pro-life advocates gathered at the “Planned Parenthood: BAD for America” summit, organized by the Pro-Life Action League (PLAL), of Chicago, and shared techniques that have proved successful in impeding Planned Parenthood’s objectives across the country. This is the first time so many pro-life groups from across the country have gathered in a single location to address fighting Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
According to the Daily Herald, Eric Scheidler, PLAL communications director, and his father Joe Scheidler, renowned pro-life advocate, facilitated discussion and drafting of a joint resolution on steps the pro-life coalition will take to combat Planned Parenthood in the coming years.
They focused on the need to make Americans aware of the “hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars” that non-for-profit Planned Parenthood, “gobbles up” by performing abortions, as well as the necessity of spreading the pro-life message to the black population.
“African-Americans have far more abortions than any other group,” Scheidler said. “But that’s because Planned Parenthood targets them so much more than the rest of the population.”
Scheidler also said that pro-life activists will make a greater effort to pray outside Planned Parenthood “clinics.”
In a pre-conference interview, Scheidler said, “We really are going to take a multifaceted approach to this. But most importantly we will be bringing anti-abortion Americans out to fight (Planned Parenthood) on their land.”
“Each pro-life group emphasizes different strategies for effectively reducing abortion, but we all share a common goal — to stop abortion forever,” he continued. “Even as the abortion rate declines nationally, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers are on the rise – and now Planned Parenthood has launched a major expansion, aggressively targeting the young and vulnerable of our nation. Today more than ever, the pro-life movement must stand together to oppose Planned Parenthood.”
Scheidler led the effort last year to oppose the opening of a massive new Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora, Ill. – called “Ground Zero” by Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards – and has advised other pro-life groups around the country on mobilizing grassroots resistance to Planned Parenthood’s designs on their communities.