Lately, I’ve noticed that more people are requesting prayer intentions for either peace in the family or conversions in the family or an increase of faith in the family, etc. Because of this I’d like to offer some reflections on this particular prayer intention.
When we ask the Lord for the salvation of others we can and should ask with a tremendous confidence. This is so because it is already beyond question that God wills the salvation of all. When we ask the Lord to “save my husband; my wife; my mother; my father; my children; my brothers; my sisters” it is already certain the God Himself desires to save all these loved ones. And He desires these things much more than we can desire them. Therefore we have every reason to ask with great confidence, knowing that God wants to save each and every person in our family.
Asking for the salvation of a person is different from asking for a particular job or a particular material need because we can know with certitude that God’s will is always “yes” to the petition to save someone while His will may or may not be to grant a petition which is purely for a material need. This is not to say that God doesn’t promise to help us in our daily material needs too, it is rather to stress that the prayer petition for another’s salvation is always willed by God. Perhaps this sounds like something too obvious to say. But I say it to encourage deep reflection. Think about it. Take some time and meditate on it. It will produce peace in your soul and confidence in God.
Many times God calls one or two individuals in a family in a special way for the sake of the rest of the family. Upon a few, frequently rests the salvation of many. One person in the family draws close to the Lord and henceforth is used by the Lord as an instrument for the salvation of the rest of the family. It is vital to accept the Lord’s lead in this work of His. He plans to save everyone. And we are blessed when He puts us in the position to burden the yoke of others’ salvation. We have a serious responsibility for others when we see that we have God in our lives while others do not. We are our brothers’ keepers and we have the faith for the sake of others.
Nevertheless, my brothers and sisters, be happy, because we do not bear this yoke upon our shoulders alone. Jesus carries it with us. He too weeps for the salvation of our loved ones and carries to our Father in heaven our petitions for our loved ones. Never be discouraged in praying for the salvation of sons and daughters no matter how dark things may appear. Never give up on these prayers and never rest from saying them. Always open your heart wide and from the bottom of your soul speak directly and confidently with Jesus and Mary about loved ones. God expects this from us. He has called us to this mission in life.
Let us not grow tired of the good we do for others. You are in the middle of the labor for the salvation of others. Keep up the good work. God is pleased by it. And if we stumble in it simply ask the Lord to help us to our feet again and begin anew.
Fr. Sullivan, M.J., is a priest with the Miles Jesu order. Miles Jesu is an Institute of Consecrated Life dedicated to promoting reverence to the Blessed Sacrament, devotion to Our Lady and faithfulness to the official teachings of the Church. For information on Miles Jesu and its Seminary Program, please call 1-800-654-7945 or visit their website.