Prayer Overcomes All

The inestimable virtue of prayer is able to obtain all good, and remove all hurtful things.

If thou wilt patiently endure adversity, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt overcome tribulation and temptations, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt trample upon thy perverse inclinations, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt know the deceits of Satan, and avoid them, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt live joyfully in the work of God, and trace the way of labor and affliction, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt exercise thyself in a spiritual course, and not walk according to the desires of the flesh, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt put to flight thy vain and trifling fancies, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt feast thy soul with holy thoughts, good desires, fervour, and devotion, be a man of prayer.

If thou wilt establish thy heart with a manly spirit, and constant purpose in the service of God, be a man of prayer.

St Peter of Alcantara Cover Low RezTo conclude, if thou wilt root out vice, and be endued with virtues, be a man of prayer. In it is received the unction of the Holy Ghost, which teacheth all things. Also, if thou wilt climb up to the top of contemplation, and enjoy the sweet embracings of thy beloved spouse, be a man of prayer. For by the exercise of prayer, we come to that contemplation and taste of heavenly things. Thou seest of what great power and virtue prayer is. For the confirmation of all which, omitting the testimony of holy Scriptures, let this be an evident proof unto thee, that by daily experience, we hear and see illiterate and simple persons to have attained the aforesaid and greater things by the virtue of prayer.

Note from Dan: This excerpt is taken from my newly published version of St. Peter of Alcántara’s great work on Prayer and Meditation entitled “Finding God Through Meditation.” If you would like a signed copy of this book (by me, not St. Peter), CLICK HERE. Your donation for the book will go to the formation of priests, religious, and the faithful poor. If you would just like to buy a copy from Emmaus Road Publishing, CLICK HERE.

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