On January 18, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began. Let us pray during this Week that Christ’s prayer for one flock and one shepherd will be fulfilled. The last prayer of Jesus was for unity, “That they may all be one, as you Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us” (Jn. 17:21). Jesus prophesied, “There will be one flock and one shepherd” (Jn. 10:16).
Similarly, Jesus King of All Nations said, “I shall unite all mankind, even unto the end of time, under MY Divine Reign of Kingship. The Merciful Reign of My Kingdom will be proclaimed everywhere among the nations through which shall come the end-time salvation of mankind by Unity in MY Holy Catholic Church” (The Journal of the Devotion, No. 53).
Pope Benedict XVI is Committed to Unity
On the day after his election as pope, Pope Benedict XVI said that his “primary commitment would be working tirelessly toward the full and visible unity of all Christ’s followers.” He said, “The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council. Christians will gradually come together “into the unity of the one and only Church. This unity, we believe, subsists in the Catholic Church.”
He said that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is “an important appointment to reflect on the tragedy of the division of the Christian community and to pray with Jesus Himself ‘that they may all be one so that the world may believe.'” This is the reason that Christian unity is so important! Unity will be a sign to the world that all might believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Pope concluded by appealing for prayer “so as to be aware that the holy cause of the re-establishment of Christian unity exceeds our poor human efforts and that unity, finally, is a gift of God. God and our love are the condition for the unity of Christians,” he said. “They are the condition for peace in the world.”
Why should we seek unity? Because Christ desires it, the Popes ask us to pray for it and because “it is through Christ’s Catholic Church alone, which is the universal help toward salvation, that the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained” (Vatican II, Decree on Ecumenism, No. 3).
Popes Ask for Prayer for Christian Unity
Both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II asked us to pray for this unity of the Church. Pope John Paul II prayed, “May God hasten the unity of all Christians, so that we may overcome the divisions of the second millennium.” He said that it is “God’s plan” that the Church work to “gather all Christians into unity.”
In the powerful summation to his encyclical, Ut Unum Sint (That They May All Be One), he forcefully repeated this hope. He said, “To believe in Christ means to desire unity; to desire unity means to desire the Church; to desire the Church means to desire the communion of grace which corresponds to the Father’s plan from all eternity. Such is the meaning of Christ’s prayer: ‘That they may all be one.'” Pope John Paul II trusted in the “primacy of prayer” as the means toward Christian unity. We are called to join Christ and the Popes in this prayer for Christian Unity.
Pray the Chaplet of Unity
Jesus King of All Nations asked us to pray His Chaplet of Unity and promised that He would “ask the Father to pour out with abundant newness and to magnify the anointing power of the Holy Spirit upon My Church under the Holy Father. Unity and oneness in Spirit was My Own prayer for all mankind and My Church as My own last testament before I gave My life as Savior of all mankind! As I am One with My Father and the Holy Spirit, MY Will is that all mankind be one in Me, so that one Faith, one Fold, and one Shepherd will be gathered together under My sovereign Kingship as LORD” (The Journal of the Devotion, No. 52).
Let us join in this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by praying daily the Chaplet of Unity. [Please see the Chaplet here: http://www.jkmi.com/PDF/Christianunity’09.pdf]. Jesus experienced great anguish in the disunity of His apostles in His Agony in the Garden. He felt abandoned at the hour of fulfilling the mission entrusted to him by the Father. Pope John Paul II said, “With Jesus as the model, the aspiration for unity must be accompanied by a profound capacity for sacrifice. Out of love for His brothers Christ assumed all divisions, conquering in Himself the sin of disunity of His own. How is it possible not to see the urgency to live with a love like this, in order to make the ecumenical activity fruitful?”
Urgent New Message from Jesus King
On October 18th Jesus King of All Nations gave the following message:
My daughter, My secretary, it is My Holy Will that the daily intentions I gave you for the praying of My Chaplet of Unity be published for use by the faithful. [For these intentions please see: http://www.jkmi.com/PDF/Christianunity’09.pdf].
Let them embrace in their hearts these intentions through the praying of My Chaplet and thereby open the floodgates of My grace which will then be poured out upon individuals and the entire world “Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessing upon you without measure?” (Malachi 3:10) which is presently burdened by the immense weight of its sinfulness. “Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life, is not from the Father but is from the world. Yet the world and its enticement are passing away. But whoever does the will of God remains forever” (1 John 2:15-17).
Mankind must quickly turn to Me and claim My Mercy for My Justice is about to be poured out. “In one hour your judgment has come” (Revelation 18:10). There is not much time left to you My children!
I ask My faithful ones to redouble their efforts “I now redoubled my efforts.” (Nehemiah 6:9) and help Me to save a good number of the erring. Pray, pray, pray!!!
Remain faithful. Anchor yourselves to Me by means of the holy Sacraments, My Holy Mother’s rosary and My Chaplet of Unity. This chaplet is a great and powerful prayer given to My children in My Mercy. I say again: I have given it great power over My Sacred Heart.
Become Ministers of Unity and Adopt a Leader
Pope John Paul II asked us to become “ever more profound instruments and ministers of unity and sanctification,” in the first place, through prayer, and in the second place, through daily and constant conversion of heart. Become a minister of unity and adopt a leader of our federal government to pray for conversion of hearts.
Please join our Adopt a Leader Program. To join, simply call our center at 802-524-5350 and pledge to practice the Novena of Holy Communions for one of our federal government leaders. We will provide you with the name of your adopted leader. You will help to call down God’s angelic protection for our country! Your adopted leaders will receive Jesus’ solemn promise of angelic protection and so will our country!
Our country’s leaders are divided between those who act as if God does not exist and do not act according to His will and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, and those who do. Let us pray that all will do so and for unity in accordance with our country’s motto, E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One.
A People in Need of Hope
Pope John Paul II asked us, “How will the Church obtain the grace of unity?” His answer was, “Through hope in the Spirit, who can banish from us the painful memories of our separations. . . And should we ask if all this is possible, the answer will always be yes. It is the same answer which Mary of Nazareth heard: with God nothing is impossible.”
Jesus asked us to pray the Chaplet of Unity on Wednesdays for “all those afflicted in these latter days with hopelessness.” We are a people in need of hope! One of our supporters wrote and said, “I have had depression for years and nothing has really helped me except for the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to give up only to remember the encouraging words and promises of Jesus. I wanted to thank you because I know that people don’t do it enough.”
“For thus says the Lord: . . . I know the plans I have for you, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:10-11).