Position Statement of the National Association of Pro-life Nurses on Health Care Legislation
Because proposed health care legislation affects those of us in the nursing profession directly, the National Association of Pro-life Nurses issues the following guidelines to be included in any approved proposal:
The bill must not include any mandate for abortion, Abortion funding prohibitions must be included to reflect long standing bans in place, State laws regulating abortion must be upheld,
There must be protection of the conscience rights of health care workers, and
Any plan adopted must include full prenatal and delivery care for all pregnancies.
In addition, we are opposed to mandating end of life consultation for anyone regardless of age or condition because of the message it sends that they are no longer of value to society. Such consults place pressure on the individual or guardian to opt for requets for measures to end their lives. We believe those lives and ALL lives are valuable and to be respected and cared for to the best of our abilities. Care must be provided for any human being in need of care regardless of disability or level of function or dependence on others in accordance with the 1999 Supreme Court decision in the Olmstead v. L. C. Decision.
Adopted by the Board of Directors