The United States of America has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the Western world. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute's 2002 report, 75 out of every 1,000 girls aged 15-19 in the United States will get pregnant. Twenty-one out of every 1,000 will get an abortion.
One reason why our teen pregnancy and abortion rate is so high is because of Planned Parenthood's relentless targeting of our young people. Americans need to understand that most teen abortions don't start when a girl walks into a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. They start when a slick Planned Parenthood operator walks into a classroom, or a teen logs onto a cleverly designed Planned Parenthood website., with its aggressively contemporary layout and affable, "teen-friendly" graphics, is designed to attract youth used to surfing Myspace and YouTube. With beautiful colors and an eye-catching layout, combined with such hooks as "Ask the Experts" and "In Your Own Words," it is primed for maximum outreach to its target audience of teenagers.
So what does have to say?
First of all, the organzation makes it clear that it considers parental guidance to be unnecessary and even superfluous. There is one brief reference to "respecting" and "communicating" with parents, but these words are rendered meaningless by the relentless insistence that teens need to make autonomous decisions about sexuality and abortion.
Says to a girl whose mother refused to put her on birth control, "It's good that you and your boyfriend have discussed using birth control." The web editor then goes on to give the girl advice on how to obtain birth control without her mother finding out about it. "In general, parental permission is not needed for prescription methods of birth control like the pill," she suggests.
This secretive attitude is rampant throughout the site, from its articles on the contraception ("worried your doctor will tell your mom? Call your provider's office and see if they're comfortable talking with you about contraception"), to its articles on abortion ("many teenagers want to consult their parents before an abortion. But telling a parent is not required in all states"). So much for respect and communication.
Furthermore, even though the site is obviously aimed at very young teens, even children, it makes no attempt at discretion when speaking of sexuality. In flash animations with titles like "How to Use a Condom: Watch and Learn" and "Am I Normal? Behind the Fig Leaf," teenagers are exposed to very graphic depictions of male and female genitalia, sexual acts, and physical development. No attempt is made to respect either the subject being treated, or the vulnerable nature of the teenage psyche being subjected to such needlessly explicit information. Pictures and graphic depictions abound.
Abortion, on the other hand, is treated with a breezy vagueness. The website is devoid of pictures or diagrams of abortion procedures. Abortion is always treated with the gentlest of language and risks are described as negligible. The site assures us that abortion is "about twice as safe as having your tonsils removed." Moreover, it assures its innocent readers that there is no such thing as post-abortion trauma, never mind the millions of real women in the real world who suffer from it.
Fifty years after the poisonous fruits of the so-called sexual revolution are all too evident, Planned Parenthood continues to hawk "free love" and encourage promiscuous sex. Instead of encouraging responsibility, Planned Parenthood instead inundates youth with ever more sexual imagery.
Research shows that teens respond when challenged to be chaste and to reject promiscuity. But Planned Parenthood will have none of this.
And why should they? This year, they will receive $305 million dollars of tax money in order to promote sterile sex and a contraceptive mentality. And when contraception fails, they benefit as well, by selling abortions.
It's quite a scam.