
Dear Catholic Exchange:

What is “pilgrimage” all about? I hear a lot of people talking of going on pilgrimage to Rome. But I do not understand what they are going there to do. Can you please tell me?

More questions:

1. What is pilgrimage?

2. What are they going there to do?

3. Can anybody go there?

Mr. Okeke

Dear Mr. Okeke,

Peace in Christ!

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that “pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey toward heaven and are traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer. For pilgrims seeking living water, shrines are special places for living the forms of Christian prayer, “in Church” (no. 2691).

The Directory for Popular Piety has an entire chapter on pilgrimages. After a history, there are sections on “Spirituality of Pilgrimage” and “Conducing a Pilgrimage” that might be helpful.

A recent issue of the magazine Lay Witness focused on this topic. Here are a few articles you might find of interest:

The Grace of Pilgrimage: An Interview with Archbishop Raymond L. Burke

“When we leave our customary surroundings and make the effort to travel to a holy place, we receive the grace to look anew at our own life in Christ and see more clearly the extraordinary mystery of God’s merciful love in our lives.”

Are We There Yet? by Leon J. Suprenant, Jr.

“As Christians, even though we appreciate the significance of our earthy lives, we realize that we’re still “here,” but we want to get “there” — to the glories of heaven with our Triune God and the throngs of angels and saints. We all resonate with these words from the sacred liturgy: “When will I come to the end of my pilgrimage and enter the presence of God?” (Antiphon 1, Monday Morning Prayer, Week II). In other words, when are we going to get there?”

A Convert's Pilgrimage by Christopher Cuddy

“On the anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, I became Catholic. While I had yet to go through the RCIA program — I was officially received into the Catholic Church the following Easter Vigil — my heart had given consent to Catholicism. My pilgrimage was over.”

Sanctifying Your Vacation by Juan Landa

“There are so many beautiful destinations to make a pilgrimage. Many of these places are filled with amazing natural beauty as well as remarkable human masterpieces. There are places so filled with history that you can still see, touch, and walk the ancient streets.”

Pilgrim's Progress: Faith of our Fathers by Mike Aquilina

“We needn’t fly to Rome or Jerusalem to make a pilgrimage. Old St. Pat’s is one of our family’s favorites, and it’s just a 25-minute drive on a weekend. What treasures are hidden in the history of your local church — your communion of saints?”

In addition to these articles, we have a Faith Fact, Hope: A Pilgrim's Virtue

“What is a pilgrim? At root, a pilgrim is one who journeys in foreign lands. A pilgrim is one who is “on the way” rather than already at home. The opposite of a pilgrim, then, is one who has arrived at the destination. A pilgrim has not yet attained this goal.”

United in the Faith,

Eric Stoutz

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

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